Dr. Simin Maleknia is an expert in the application and development of mass spectrometry and other analytical approaches in the environmental, biological and chemical sciences. Her current activities focus on the analysis of environmental pollutants in agricultural and other land use management. This includes the monitoring of natural (Bushfire) and man-made pollutants on agriculture and natural resources (atmosphere, soil & water).


Simin Maleknia was awarded her PhD from the University of Texas, Austin, completing her research and subsequent postdoctoral studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. She has worked both in academia and industry in the USA over several decades. For the past 15 years in Australia, Simin Maleknia has held teaching & research appointments at Griffith University Queensland, University of New South Wales (UNSW) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS).

Biography / Experience / Skills



Simin Maleknia has published over 60 peer-reviewed scientific articles including several book chapters and reviews. Simin has been an active member of environmental, chemical and mass spectrometry societies, including the ANZSMS and ASMS.  Simin has given keynote and invited talks, and chaired sessions, at numerous conferences including Climate Change, the Nutrition Society of Australia,  and mass spectrometry and related conferences including ANZSMS22 (Sydney), IMSC (Bremen, Germany and Geneva, Switzerland), 1st Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry (Japan), and those of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. She currently serves on the executive committee of the Wildlife Tourism Australia (WTA) organisation.


Teaching and training

Project management


Advancing technologies